Broker Price Opinion Application Design
The challenge at hand was to take this extensive form, shown below, used by real estate loan servicers when determining valuation of a property, which existed only as a pdf and convert it to a full web application.
Pattern Library Development
The most current form best practices were reviewed to make the workflow as efficient, friendly and manageable as possible. It was concluded that an easy, organized and collapsible navigation and a linear progression of adaptively-labeled forms, in a column was the most preferable way to proceed, especially given the length of the process. I determined that adaptive labeling internal to form fields was the best way to avoid visual clutter and confusion. As can be seen below, menu items on the left of the screen have individual progress trackers that give the user a sense of continuity and organization.
I developed a new pattern library for initial use in this project and for subsequent deployment in future initiatives requiring form optimization.
User Flow
Usability Testing​
Once static high fidelity prototypes were built and signed off on, we proceeded to create a functional prototype in Axure, complete with all significant behavior we would need for testing. Using an online service, we got the prototype in front of client stakeholders, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.
Client reaction proved favorable, as we asked them to complete basic and complex tasks. There was concern that our adaptive labeling approach to these forms might prove confusing, but that was ultimately not the case. There was an overall feeling of relief that we had made this procedure much more streamlined. As a result of the feedback we received, the second cycle of revisions only included minor changes.